The anti red light and speeder camera group is at it again in Albuquerque. They want the cameras done away with. And they're very voiciferous about it, too.
I can only surmise that these people, led by State Senator William Payne, have all been caught (and probably more than once) by these tell-alls.
The psychology here is so obvious it's painful. These yahoos (no not the search engine) feel that they have both the right to speed and the right to run red lights. It's that simple.
They're special people who are above our mere mortal laws. They have priority over the rest of us. I just didn't understand that before. Pussy footing with the laws where a sub human like Paris Hilton has a weak sentence cut in half because of the money she has inherited (notice I did not say she earned it), should have explained it. Stupid me.
And the bull that came from the Bobby and Al Unser's mouths when they threatened the police was dismissed. You can't say that their limited fame and money protected them from the penalties of the law. They really shouldn't have been charged with anything in the first place. They're special people. Semi literate, but special.
In any case, I have come up with a individual alternative for such people. The stop and go light in the picture is designed for their use. And their use only. The rest of us humans still have to use the old three light model. You see, with that light above, they cannot be charged with running the amber light and we all know they wouldn't run the red light.
Think how much safer our intersections will be with this set up. The lead foots (I didn't say lead brains) will never have to worry about going through on the yellow light. Just be sure you don't venture into the intersection while they are on the road.
Our city council (made up of intellectually deficient men and women) is going to lower the penalties for breaking the law, too. Yep, cutting the fines down to a slap on the wrist. Another law on the books that is toothless. More cars destroyed, more twisted bodies in the morgue.
Did I mention that a toothless law is pointless law? Sort of sad, isn't it?