Thursday, April 23, 2009


Don't forget to click on the header.
Scared? Who's scared? The One and his frickin' pooch are safe with a shelter, along with Mom and the kids. Oh, Hillary? Bill says she'll be okay in Afghanistan. (Guess he didn't know she was back in town.)
And whoever was elected Veep probably has his own shelter.
"Clinton was appearing before the appropriations panel that is reviewing the administration's request for $7.1 billion in additional funds for the State Department this budget year. Of that total, $497 million would be for State Department support of Pakistan and $980 million would be for Afghanistan. About $482 million would be for Iraq." (I wonder who gets the rest? North Korea? Iran?)
"Clinton said that local job creation is a key purpose of the extra funds requested for State Department work in Afghanistan. She told the panel that a main goal is to improve security at the local level in Afghanistan by putting more people to work. "
Hey Mr. President, maybe she knows how to put America back to work. And protect our borders. I remind you that "No one should be above the law".
And for the rest of us: Dig shelters.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


  1. The President seems to be doing the old timey politician thing. And not very well. Click on the header and remember these two statements from Barack Obama, made just this past Sunday:
  2. 1. No one in America should be above the law.
  3. 2. Existing U.S. laws should be upheld.

Yeah, that car trunk is full of illegal aliens. (That kind of smuggling gets a big DUH.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Click on the header. Achtung. Or don't. Your choice.
My head hurts. All the thinking today has brought pain and anxiety into my reasonably calm life. Well, as of yesterday and today.
This is an important link to be noted and read:
Just a couple of days ago, a friend of ours stopped (to take Wild Thing shopping) and showed us a new trophy her Mustang had won in some competition.
I eyed this plaque and remarked something to the effect of "don't you ever loose in these shows?"
She looked at me strangely and replied "Well, I think I'm on the 'suspicious persons' list or 'anti-American list' or something."
I stopped laughing only when I looked at her face. She wasn't kidding. I was stunned.
We've known Peggy for some years and recognize that she was Air Force for many years, her Dad was a WWII vet, she served as a cop and is in security now. further, she has dedicated her Mustang to veterans of American wars and has been in patriotic parades, has allowed vets to take pictures of the displays on and in her car. She flies our flag at her home and celebrates the fourth of July just like you and me. She is a 100%, born in the U.S.A. person, won't listen to foreigners berating our country (that includes Presidents -- whether she likes them or not) and she loves her country.
I would trust her with any flag I own.
"So," I asked with my usual boyish charm, "how did you make the FBI's 'I'm watching you list', considering how American you are?" I couldn't say Yankee. She's from Georgia.
She replied, "The only thing I can think of is that I'm a member of the Patriot's Club here in Albuquerque."
"Uh, Peggy," I said, "that doesn't sound exactly subversive to me?"
"They're not. I'm a patriot and proud of it. So are you, so quit the grinning."
"Okay, okay," I remarked. " Maybe I'll make the FBI list, too."
I've Googled N.M. Patriot's Club and Patriot's Club and the most anti-American thing I could come up with was the New England Patriot's not winning that Super Bowl.
My guess is that the "club" is pretty small and can't even afford a web page. How that would qualify her as "person to watch" defeats me.