Thursday, January 10, 2008


A blogger, Christopher Weber, has published what must be insider news.
Our governator is coming back to N.M. after making an ass of himself for at least a year. At least that's what is stated in the column. (Click on the header.)
And do we ever have some problems that need solving (I wonder if he'll need a passport to get into the state?).
Seems like, ignoring the Railrunner fiasco, the thieves in state government, the falling apartness of our highways and the unwillingness of our legislators to cooperate, there's another great big problem facing him.
That health care he wanted the entire state to have has reared its ugly side. With a great humongous price tag: More than $1,000,000,000 worth. That's money in addition to those other needs of the state. But our Bill's a Democrat. Spend is really his middle name. I just hope he doesn't run for Mayor of Albuquerque.