New Mexico, almost in its entirety, is covered with snow. Cattle are starving, people are without power, temperatures are well below freezing, snow removal is more than just difficult in a state that has never had as much snow as we do now. Men and machines are being worked to the point of exhaustion and the poor and elderly are having severe difficulties coping with a situation that has never happened here before.
But that doesn't seem to bother our Governator. Bill Richardson is going to jet off to the Sudan to try and help them with their constant warring. You heard me correctly. Problems have arisen that have never happened in the past, but our Governator is flying off to a foreign country to help them. I wonder if he would do that if he were President and the American nation had a crisis going on its own backyard?
I am not denigrating his wish to help other peoples, just wondering about his priorities. If his own house were ablaze, would he be in town trying to raise money for the local zoo?