Oh, clicking on the header will take you into an entirely different world.
. I confess, it was a sneaky way to get into this subject.My grandfather came to America to gain freedom, but it didn't work. My grandmother came over on the very next boat.
Oh, clicking on the header will take you into an entirely different world.
. I confess, it was a sneaky way to get into this subject.Among things I can't explain, including this picture, is the governator of New Mexico.
He was on yet another television"debate" amongst Democratic wanna be candidates for the job of President. And he looked fat and puffy and unkempt. I suspect that look was created by his campaign manager.
No self respecting man would want to look as if he'd forgotten how to comb his hair and didn't know how to wear clothes properly. I have a lot of trouble equating his appearance with the idea that he was an Ambassador (or some such) to various foreign countries.
In any case the subject of illegal aliens was bruited about and Bill (who begged for a fence across the N. M. border a little while back) now doesn't want one. Personally I think the environmentalists got to him and pointed out that various wild life (not including Mexican fiestas) had to cross the border or become extinct. He didn't think about fencing the worst holes for human entry in border security. Nah. Just don't do it at all. I agree with the stupidity of the fence all along the border. We are not East Germany. I do, however, think that the well worn and constantly used trails (by illegals) should have some kind of fence. It might help the border guards narrow the entry way through the Rio Grande River. (Now you know why they're called "wets" by the ranchers here.)
Bill seems to think that all we need to do is hire an army of border patrol guards and that'll keep them out. Oh, yeah, he also wants more and more "sophisticated" electronic detection tools. I kid you not. The numbers, costs, support units, etc., etc., have not occurred to him. Maybe he'll start a national lottery to cover expenses? Maybe he'll go on fund raisers?
My guess about the number of human American bodies needed goes into the millions. The cost of this "plan" of his is terrifying. Hell, Bush's war would look bargain basement cheap to us.
He alo supports giving driver's licenses to illegals. He claims that way they'll have insurance and every thing will be hunky dory. I have no idea if he wants to teach them to read and write before they take the driver's written test. (The vast majority, I read on another site, can neither read nor write any language, much less English.) In Mexico, the government wants everybody who drives a vehicle insured. In actual fact, it ain't happening. And I can guarantee their insurance is a whole lot cheaper than ours. Oh, did you know that if you drive your car into Mexico you need a written statement from your insurance company that the policy is valid in Mexico? Yep. You get to pay extra for that coverage.
Speaking of paying extra for car insurance, we had to pay an extra $100 a year a while back so we would be protected from "uninsured" motorists. There are lots of illegals driving without insurance now. Lots of them.
Bill wants to be known as the "Education President". Now, I think he should have kept his mouth shut on that one. The drop out rate in N.M. is right around 40%. Yessiree. Four out of every ten children don't finish even the push courses offered in High School. Or bother to attend school and get a worthless "No Child Left Behind" diploma. That's something Bill should remove from his platform.
Another troublesome thing about him is his stance on the "Pakistan problem". He wants to cut off all American aid to Pakistan until they do something about the terrorist cells there. Now, the very word "terrorist" raises our hackles, our anger levels and creates a feeling of hatred among Americans. He says they are a small group and it should be easy for the Pakistani government to get rid of them. I guess he figures that America should blackmail any government with which he doesn't agree. I also guess that he has learned nothing from history. When the Nazi Party started in Germany, they were a small terrorist group. America put trade restrictions into action. Hitler's party got a lot of mileage out of that. It helped them to grow. And we know what happened then. Bill apparently did not get A's in American history.
A surprise under the header.